Professional Educator in Health care
The professional educator is the health professional who is responsible for promoting health in a holistic way, according to the World Health Organization definition previously interpreted. Compared to other health professionals, it does not have a niche of study, since it deals simultaneously with all aspects of health, as an "agent of help to the person, his family, the community to which he belongs" (National Association of Professional Educators - NAPE, 2015). Specifically, its role is to promote the responsibility of the person towards his/her own health, in fact, [it should not have the role of problem-solver, taking the place of those concerned, but that of approaching people by accepting them, understanding them, proposing and promoting those educational processes useful for change that will allow a positive personal growth, social inclusion as wide as possible, a well-being and quality of life to which all human beings have a right] (NAPE, 2015).
In practice, it is that professional who, if it were present in all hospital wards, would represent a turning point towards a complete health service, not mainly focused on medical care.
The Achilles heel of education, however, is that dealing with wellbeing/health and being this a personal construct, it difficult to propose scientific-educational methods. While medicine deals with the body, which can be seen, touched and judged equally by all, well-being is not something physical to be experienced according to the Galilean method. This makes it more complicated to have the validity of educational theories recognized, but there are many ways. If are studied the ways of producing knowledge, in fact, can be created and verified scientific theories as valid as quantum physics.
In the light of this Bablog proposes to develop, discuss, collect, experiment and evaluate the best existing theories and educational methods to work in health care and beyond. The objective of the scientific selection is to train competent professionals who do not promote personal ideas, thus depriving the patient of self-determination, but who offer the best possible service to people in a fundamental aspect of life: health. Health will be studied in relation to freedom and from this will be highlighted the best educational methods to educate people to be free and healthy inside and outside the hospital.
In practice, it is that professional who, if it were present in all hospital wards, would represent a turning point towards a complete health service, not mainly focused on medical care.

In the light of this Bablog proposes to develop, discuss, collect, experiment and evaluate the best existing theories and educational methods to work in health care and beyond. The objective of the scientific selection is to train competent professionals who do not promote personal ideas, thus depriving the patient of self-determination, but who offer the best possible service to people in a fundamental aspect of life: health. Health will be studied in relation to freedom and from this will be highlighted the best educational methods to educate people to be free and healthy inside and outside the hospital.
L'Educatore Professionale per la salute
L'educatore professionale è il professionista
sanitario che si occupa di promuovere in senso olistico la salute secondo la
definizione dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità precedentemente interpretata. Rispetto
agli altri professionisti sanitari, non ha una nicchia di studio, poiché si
occupa contemporaneamente di tutti gli aspetti della salute, in quanto "agente
d'aiuto alla persona, alla sua famiglia, alla comunità d'appartenenza"
(Associazione Nazionale Educatori Professionali - ANEP, 2015). Nello specifico il suo ruolo è di promotore della
responsabilità della persona nei confronti della propria salute, infatti "non
dovrà avere il ruolo di risolutore dei problemi, sostituendosi agli
interessati, ma quello di avvicinarsi alle persone accettandole,
comprendendole, proponendo e favorendo quei processi educativi utili al
cambiamento che permetteranno una crescita personale positiva, un'inclusione
sociale il più vasta possibile, un benessere e una qualità della vita a
cui tutti gli esseri umani hanno diritto" (ANEP, 2015).
In pratica è quel professionista che, se fosse
presente in tutti i reparti ospedalieri, rappresenterebbe un punto di svolta
verso un servizio per la salute completo, non concentrato principalmente sulle
cure mediche.

Alla luce di questo Bablog si propone di sviluppare, discutere, raccogliere, sperimentare e vagliare le migliori teorie e metodi educativi esistenti per lavorare in sanità e non solo. L'obiettivo della cernita scientifica è il voler formare dei professionisti competenti, i quali non promuovano idee personali, privando così il paziente di autodeterminarsi, ma che offrano il miglior servizio possibile alle persone in un aspetto fondamentale della vita: la salute. La salute sarà studiata in relazione alla libertà e da ciò saranno evidenziati i migliori metodi educativi per educare le persone ad essere libere ed in salute dentro e fuori dall'ospedale.
World Health Organization (WHO), 1948. Constitution of WHO. New York